Your penis is a big part of who you are. It affects your confidence, sexual pleasure, and self-esteem.
If you’re not happy with some aspect of what you’re packing, you should be able to make changes that fit your needs.
Penis surgery is the first thing that a lot of guys think of when they want to make their penis bigger.
While many guys have gotten good results from surgery, it is the most extreme road to take when it comes to penis enlargement.
Surgery is the most expensive and riskiest treatment option, so you should only consider it if it’s medically necessary or if you’ve done plenty of research.
Luckily, there are many more affordable and less invasive ways to quickly increase your length and girth.
One of the most popular options is realistic penis sleeves (also known as cock sleeves and penis extenders).
You wear a penis sleeve over your penis to make it instantly bigger.
Wearing a cock sleeve is a satisfying way to achieve the length and girth you want without any of the risk. But, there are some downsides—namely, it’s not your actual dick.
So, which option should you choose? I’m going to break down the risks, pros, cons, and costs of each penis enlargement method below.
By the time you finish reading, you’ll better understand which option is right for you.
What is Penis Enlargement Surgery?
Penis enlargement surgery is a surgical procedure that makes your penis larger. To get this surgery, you need to consult with a doctor, get anesthesia, and go under the operating knife.
This is an invasive way to make your penis bigger. It is expensive (around $15,000) and involves risks that could affect your penis and sex life.
You can also expect to spend weeks recovering, and you may experience considerable pain.
The upside is that surgery is among the easiest ways to increase your penis length or girth fast. It’s possible to add inches more to your length or circumference in just a few weeks.
There isn’t just one kind of penis enlargement surgery. There are many different procedures to explore. The most popular are:
👉 Ligamentolysis: This is the most common penis enlargement surgery. It involves severing the ligament that connects your penis to your pubic bone. This causes the part of your penis that’s inside your body to show on the outside. It adds about 1-2 inches, but it only affects flaccid length—not erect length.
👉 Fat injection: This procedure involves taking fat from another part of your body and injecting it into your penis to enhance your girth. The penis is not meant to store fat, so this method has a higher risk of complications. Even in successful cases, the penis may return to normal size over time as the body absorbs the excess fat.
👉 Dermal fillers: This is a bit like butt implants but for your dick. Technically, it’s not surgical. Your doctor injects filler beneath the skin of your penis, making it longer and thicker. It can add around 1-2 inches of girth and 1 inch of length. The risks of this treatment vary depending on the type of filler used.
👉 Penile implant: For this option, a doctor puts a retractable piece of silicone into your penis that boosts its length and girth by around 2 inches. It’s a bit like getting breast implants but for your dick. The only FDA-approved implant is called Penuma®. While many men are happy with their implants, others face complications, including intense pain and loss of sensation.
Penis Enlargement Surgery: Pros and Cons
It’s important to understand what to expect if you’re considering penis surgery. Here are the basic pros and cons to be aware of.
👉 It’s fast: Non-surgical penis enlargement methods can take years to show results. Surgery can increase your length and girth right away.
👉 You may see large gains: Surgery gives you the potential to increase your size by multiple inches (though this isn’t guaranteed). Non-surgical methods rarely achieve those results.
👉 It’s your real dick: Surgery enhances your actual package, unlike penis sleeves which are basically hollow dildos that cover your real dick.
👉 It’s expensive: Surgery costs around $15,000, and you won’t get your money back if you don’t get the results you want.
👉 Can be disappointing: Surgery can’t give you a monster porno dick. It’s not uncommon to see less than an inch of gains.
👉 Painful recovery: It takes 1-2 months to recover from surgery, during which time you can’t have sex or masturbate. In some cases, the pain can be extreme.
👉 Risky: There are many serious side effects and complications that can happen after surgery, including scarring, curving, loss of sensation, infection, and more. There is a risk of permanent dysfunction.
👉 Potential for decrease in size (penile implants): Having a penile implant removed can reduce your original pre-implant erect size by multiple inches. Men who need to remove their implants due to complications risk being significantly smaller than when they started.
👉 Difficulties adjusting to sex (ligamentolysis): Severing the ligament that connects your penis to the pelvic bone increases its length but makes it unable to “stand at attention.” Your penis will flop around because it’s not connected to your pelvis, and this can make it difficult to maneuver during sex.
Important: If you are seriously considering penis enlargement surgery, make sure to do comprehensive research.
Consult with your doctor as well as the surgeon at the clinic, and find out as much as you can from others who have had the surgery.
You can find info about each procedure from real guys and medical professionals at
What is a Penis Sleeve?
A penis sleeve (or cock sleeve) is a silicone tube that fits over your penis, enhancing its length and girth. Penis sleeves come in many different styles, so you can experiment with different shapes, sizes, and even colors.
Some popular penis sleeves include:
👉 Realistic penis sleeves: These penis sleeves look like real penises—veins and all.
👉 Vibrating penis sleeves: Take your partner’s pleasure to new heights by adding vibrations to your D.
👉 Textured penis sleeves: These sleeves are covered in ribs or studs to boost sensation for your partner.
👉 Open-ended penis sleeves: These sleeves leave the head of your penis uncovered, allowing you to feel more sensation.
👉 Girth enhancers: Girth enhancers don’t add length—only girth. They normally cover the shaft partially, which means you get to feel your partner while also enhancing your size.
Realistic penis sleeves are recommended for guys who want to appear bigger. These sleeves look like the real thing, so you can barely tell that your sleeve is not your real dick.
Most penis sleeves enhance your length by 1-3 inches and your girth by another 1-3 inches. Some are also adjustable so you can trim them to fit your and your partner’s desired specs.
Cock sleeves fasten to your naked dick via a loop or vacuum seal to make sure they stay on tight during sex.
It’s important to remember that most cock sleeves cover your entire dick, so you won’t be able to feel much sensation during sex. But if you’re turned on by the visual aspect of having a big dick, they get the job done.
Plus, penis sleeves have nearly zero risk of injury or illness, and they’re very affordable. Here are a few of the highest-rated penis sleeves to try.
Top Penis Sleeves to Try
These penis sleeves are some of the best on the market. They’re simple to use right out of the box, even if you’ve never used a cock sleeve before. Check out our complete collection of penis sleeves on sale here.
Fantasy X-Tension Mega 2" Penis Extension Sleeve - Brown

Fantasy X-Tension Mega 2-Inch Penis Extension Turn your penis into an instant pleasure machine with the incredible Fantasy X-tensions. Now you can be all the man you can be and satisfy your partner with this easy-to-use erection enhancer. Developed as… Read More
Pipedream Fantasy X-Tension Perfect 3" Penis Extension

The Perfect 3-inch Extension is a customizable extension that can easily be trimmed at the base for a perfect fit. It's super-stretchy to accommodate most sizes and snug enough to help you last longer. Your partner will enjoy deeper penetration… Read More
Oxballs Invader "Black Ice" Cocksheath Penis Extender

Oxballs Invader Cocksheath Penis Extender Invader is Oxballs first open-ended cocksheath that is built to fuck as long and hard as you want. The shape gradually adds more thickness to your shafts so the middle is the fattest and it… Read More
The Great Extender 1st Vibrating Penis Sleeve 7.5" - White

The Great Extender 1st Vibrating Penis Sleeve 7.5" Are you ready to be the Greatest? This realistic vibrating penis extender adds length and girth, making you feel like the greatest. Flexible silicone material with a realistic veined texture. Vibrating head… Read More
Zero Tolerance Vibrating Girth Enhancer for Men

Zero Tolerance Vibrating Girth Enhancer: Go Big or Go Home Looking to bring a little extra buzz to the bedroom? The Zero Tolerance Vibrating Girth Enhancer delivers exactly what it promises—bigger, buzzier, and better-than-ever pleasure. Designed for anyone with a… Read More
Penis Sleeves: Pros and Cons
Penis sleeves are a safe and affordable alternative to surgery, but they’re not without their faults. Here are the pros and cons of buying a penis sleeve.
👉 They’re affordable: You can get a high-quality penis sleeve that looks and feels like the real thing for under $50. That’s a lot cheaper than 15 grand for surgery.
👉 They’re customizable: You can buy multiple cock sleeves and modify your dong any way you want. With surgery, you have to roll the dice and take what you get.
👉 They come in all sizes: If you want to know what it’s like to wield a massive dick, you can do that with penis sleeves. Surgery will only add another inch or so to what you’re packing.
👉 They’re easy to use: Slide your sleeve on before sex and slide it off when you’re done. It’s as easy as putting on a condom.
👉 They’re low risk: As long as you keep your cock sleeve clean, there’s virtually no risk associated with using it.
👉 They’re fun: Changing up your sex game with penis sleeves can be a lot of fun for you and your partner, especially if you have a stretching fetish or size fetish.
👉 They’re great for ED and PE: If you suffer from erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, a cock sleeve can help you overcome those issues while giving you a huge confidence boost.
👉 You have to be gentle: Realistic penis sleeves are made of delicate skinlike material. They can rip or tear if you play too hard.
👉 They require care: Cleaning your cock sleeve is very important. A dirty toy can give you or your partner an infection. Luckily, penis sleeves are easy to clean.
👉 They reduce sensation: Most penis sleeves cover your penis entirely, from the head to the base of the shaft. So you won’t feel sensations from your partner’s body when having sex. This can be somewhat resolved with an open-ended penis sleeve.
Which Should You Choose: Surgery or Penis Sleeve?
Even if you’re leaning towards getting surgery, you should try using a penis sleeve first.
Penis sleeves are a fraction of the cost of surgery. If you like how you look in a sleeve, you could save $15,000. That’s a lot of change.
Also, penis sleeves have basically zero risk of damaging your penis or affecting its sexual function.
Surgery has a much higher risk of complications that could result in permanent damage to your penis or a permanent change to its shape and ability to function.
The point is: You should try non-surgical penis enlargement options before you get surgery*. Penis surgery is getting safer every year, but the procedures are still risky.
Surgery can cause scarring or sexual dysfunction, and in the case of penile implants, you could end up with a smaller penis than before the surgery.
For most, it’s just not worth the risk.
*This applies to people who are interested in penis surgery for cosmetic purposes. If you have a medical condition and a doctor has recommended penis surgery, it may be the best option.
Who Should Choose Penis Enlargement Surgery?
Is penis enlargement surgery ever a good idea? Yes, it can be a good option for some people. Here are a few cases when you may want to consider having penis enhancement surgery.
👉 You have a medical condition such as a buried penis or micropenis: Men with these conditions may find it difficult to urinate standing up or to have penetrative sex. In these cases, penis enlargement surgery is not cosmetic—it’s necessary for normal penis function.
👉 Your doctor recommends it: If your doctor tells you that penis enlargement surgery is in your best interest, then it’s a good idea to trust their advice.
👉 You’re unhappy with non-surgical alternatives: If you’ve tried non-surgical alternatives, such as penis sleeves, and you’re still unhappy with your penis size, you may decide to consider surgery. However, it’s still essential to speak with your doctor first.
Who Should Choose a Penis Sleeve?
Aren’t sure about which option to choose? If any of the following describe you, it’s time to buy a penis sleeve.
👉 You have ED: A penis sleeve can keep you going long and strong even if you aren’t able to maintain an erection.
👉 You want to last longer: If you’re extra sensitive and have trouble lasting during sex, a penis sleeve can solve your problems. Sleeves reduce sensation greatly, so you can penetrate your partner as long as you (and they) want.
👉 You want a bigger dick: A penis sleeve can significantly increase your length and girth. Some of them are huge! It’s the best way to boost your size without risking the health of your penis.
👉 You enjoy fetish play: Penis sleeves can take role-playing, size play, stretching, and more kinks to another level.
👉 You want more variety in the bedroom: Don’t limit yourself to one sleeve. Get a realistic cock sleeve, a vibrating one, and a girth enhancer. Each type of penis sleeve offers new sensations to you and your partner.
Other Ways to Enhance Your Penis Size
Penis surgery and penis sleeves are not the only ways to enhance your size. Here are a few additional options to explore for penis enlargement.
👉 Penis traction devices: These devices stretch the penis and hold it in a stretched position for some time. This method can result in as much as an inch of extra length when flaccid and erect. But it takes time. You need to wear the device for at least an hour a day, every day for a year, to achieve any significant gains.
👉 Testosterone therapy: Men who have micropenises due to low testosterone may be able to enhance their size with testosterone therapy. This can be in the form of injections, pills, or topical creams. However, there is no evidence that men with average-sized penises can increase their size with testosterone therapy. It’s important to talk to your doctor before undergoing any type of hormone therapy.
👉 Penis pumps: A penis pump seals your penis in a vacuum and pulls blood into your shaft. This can give you a much harder, fuller erection that appears larger. Penis pumps are often used to treat ED, but they’re safe to use recreationally too. You can explore some top penis pumps here.
👉 Cock rings: A cock ring restricts blood flow out of the penis, making your erection extra hard and extra large. Like penis pumps, cock rings are also used for ED but can be used recreationally as well. There are many different types of cock rings to try with lots of different features. Find a huge selection of cock rings here.
👉 Weight loss: Losing weight can reduce the body fat around your pubic area, making your penis seem larger. Maintaining a healthy weight can also improve your erections and help you make the most of what you’ve got.
👉 Kegels: These pelvic floor exercises are like a workout for your dick. Practicing Kegels can improve blood flow to your erections and help your penis achieve its full potential.
Enhance Your Size Without the Risk
Penis enlargement surgery is advancing every year, and soon it may be as safe and practical as breast implants. But for now, you should consider it as a last resort.
There are plenty of methods of penis enhancement that don’t involve putting your dick at risk or going into debt, and penis sleeves are some of the best.
Realistic penis sleeves are affordable and fun to use. And you know exactly what your dick is going to look like when you put one on.
Penis sleeves are an ideal way to live out your big dick fantasies, please your partner, and learn to love the peen you were born with.
Ready to buy a penis sleeve? Don’t forget to check out our Penis Sleeve Buying Guide first. It’s packed with info on how to choose a penis sleeve, penis sleeve safety, our favorite cock sleeves, and much more.